Babygynge i grå
Babygyngestolen er designet til de yngste børn i alderen 6 til 24 måneder eller op til 12 kg. Sikkerhedsselen kan hurtigt justeres med velcrobånd, så dit barn kan lege komfortabelt på dørgyngen.
Sædet er fremstillet af robust bomuld med en vægt på 250 g/m2 og polstrede stropper. Alle kanter på gyngesædet er dobbeltsyede, så materialet ikke irriterer barnets følsomme hud og ikke selv bliver beskadiget.
Babygyngen er ophængt ved hjælp af en dørkarmklemme. Babygyngen er klar til at blive monteret på en stålfjeder. Takket være en træbjælke mister babygyngen heller ikke sin form.
Dørgyngens længde kan justeres efter behov og dørens højde. Sørg for, at alle dele er sat ordentligt fast, før du bruger babysitteren første gang.
Dørgyngen er kendetegnet ved sit moderne og enkle design - den er en universel tilføjelse til børneværelser, stuer eller andre rum. Gyngerne passer til ethvert interiør og er nemme at holde rene.
Bomuldselementerne kan vaskes i hånden.

See what other customers are saying about Littleroom.dk

Lightning fast delivery and sublime service
We ordered an activity stand and our daughter loves it. So at the same time it's great to know it's locally produced in Denmark and a pleasure to see the quality of this work. Not the cheapest stand, but certainly the nicest I've seen and we researched it a lot before our purchase

Super good and fast service
I have approached Littleroom a couple of times with questions about one of their products and they have always responded quickly and enthusiastically! I ordered one of their beautiful activity stands yesterday and it arrived in the mail today. The people behind it seem incredibly dedicated and open to input - cool!

Nice product :)
My girlfriend and I have been looking for a baby shower for a group of friends. We came across Littleroom.dk's turmoil with hot air balloons. We ordered the item on the website and had it delivered the next day - super fast dispatch. The item came in a nice box which gives the impression of high quality. We look forward to giving the item as a gift soon :).
Can definitely recommend others to use the same website.

Great service
Had problems with the payment on the website and wrote to customer service - got a reply within a few hours even though it was Sunday! Tough! Wasn't completely satisfied with the finish of my purchased activity stand and littleroom immediately offered (again fast response time to the email) to send me a new one - but it is estimated that it was easier just to sand a little with sandpaper than to take it apart, return it via post office and then pick up a new one at the post office later.

Nice activity bar!
I bought the activity stand from littleroom for my son and we LOVE it! Mum loves it because it's completely classic and stylish in design (and is actually nice to have standing in the living room) - baby loves it because he can have all kinds of different toys hanging on it, and it can be changed continuously.
The stand is super light and can therefore be easily moved around with baby.
Great quality and super easy to assemble and disassemble again!

All the best from here
Absolutely fine - Delivery and the product itself was delicious. All the best from here.